Party of Five

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Faith starts Kindergarten

These two really made me an emotional wreck this week. Faith started Kindergarten and Caleb started Middle School.

I really don't know how this happened. I had so many thoughts running through my mind this week. I wasn't very good at verbalizing what I was feeling so I just cried. A lot.

Five years ago this month, we were told that our little baby had a congenital heart defect and that she would need surgery immediately to ensure her survival. We were told the prognosis was unknown. We were told that it was a very rare condition. We were told all sorts of horrifying things that parents of a 4 month old baby don't want to be told.
We prepared for her first heart catherization and we prayed. A lot.

Fast forward 5 years and here we are. With this baby. Sending her off to Kindergarten.

She's healthy, happy, and normal. Well, as normal as she can be with the genes she has.  But she is here and she is not sick. She is not struggling at all. She is fabulous.

Talk about picking out the perfect name for your kid. We hit the nail on the head with this one.

So, I've cried a lot this week. Most people see me bawling and probably think I'm a crazy mom who just wants to shelter her kids and not let them venture into the world. I am. But I am also a mom who is crazy happy that this child is able to venture out into the world. I'm crying because I'm happy. They are mainly happy tears. Tears for what I know this child will accomplish and tears for what I know lies ahead of her. And I see nothing but wonderful things for her.

For all my children. They are all miracles, aren't they?

Caleb is two days in and loving it. (fingers and toes crossed things stay that way!) And Faith is asking me when she can go full day and eat lunch at school. No tears from my kids.

Now it's just Ashley and I from 8:50 until 11:50. Three full hours of just one kid. Jamie pointed out all the things I might be able to accomplish during that time. Yep. I see lots of storytimes, park play, building and discovering in our future. I'm excited and so blessed to have one on one time with Ashley now. All my kids have had this and I'm so happy that its worked out this way! So thankful.

It's been an emotional week. I'm now the mom of a Middle Schooler preteen, a Kindergartner and a toddler. But the best part is that I'm THEIR mom. And they are MY kids.

Life really is precious and it really is amazing.