Party of Five

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Faith is five

Four days ago our baby girl turned 5. A whole hand. She thinks she is pretty big now and gets quite upset if we refer to her as a four year old. She is full or attitude and sass. Hard to believe that its been five year since this miracle entered our lives. I remember being pregnant with her and after such a long wait and so many fertility issues, it all seemed so surreal. I would sit and just stare at my pregnant belly at my desk while at work. I would often sit as still as I could so I could feel every movement. I relished every single thing of the life growing inside. And now she is five.
I also remember when we first learned of her heart condition and the terror we felt. I remember the uncertainty in the doctors words and the fear we felt with every second of every day.
And now she is five.

And she is a normal five year old. She runs and plays and jumps and skips and rides bikes and laughs and cries and whines and fights with her older brother and argues with her parents and throws a little attitude around in most every thing she does. She's normal.
And she's amazing.

I'm so thankful she is our daughter.

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