Party of Five

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Almost a year.....

I've had a lot of "one year ago today" moments lately. "One year ago today" Jamie had his first phone interview. "One year ago today" he accepted this life changing position. "One year ago today" we were installing new carpet for the impending house sale.

"One year ago today" I had a complete nervous breakdown and realized what we were doing.

It's been a year since Jamie left Kansas and started working at Ft Rucker. I was a single parent this time last year and doing quite well thanks to my amazing friends.

December 4th will be the one year mark that we pulled out of KS in that enormous Penske truck leaving the life we knew behind.

Yesterday, I went outside about 7am and thought how cold it was . Surely it was freezing. It was 52. I made the short trek to the chicken coop where I strategically prepared their food and then with one hand, opened the door and stepped to the side while all 14 of our chickens ran out as if they'd been "caged" for days. I put their food in the tray and again jumped to the side while the trampled back in to start eating after their long night of starvation. I propped the door open with a large tin water can and noticed a spider the size of Australia on the side. I watched it for a moment as it climbed up the side before I took a leaf and gently pushed it off and onto the ground.

On the way back inside, our outdoor cat was winding in and out of my legs obviously starving too. I scanned the yard looking for evidence of any of his recent kills. The latest was a poor chipmunk. We've also had squirrels, birds and field mice. Today, I saw nothing. Gave him a scoop of food on the back porch before heading into the house to make breakfast for Ashley.

As I pulled out of the driveway a few hours later, the guinea birds were chasing us just as they always do. I slowly backed up almost to the tractor and then honked sending them a signal that the wheels were changing directions and the end of their life was coming soon if they didn't run. They ran.
We drove down our driveway that is about the size of our old road in KS. As we got to the end, I paused and looked to see if any pecans had fallen from the tree. I recently learned that they don't fall every year in some cases. This is a year we aren't getting any, apparently. It's a shame too. My father in law has collected several large bags at their home. He says its about $1000 worth. Hoping at least one pecan falls before Christmas. Sure would be fun to have a free holiday!

I do my grocery shopping at the local Walmart but prefer Piggly Wiggly or even the Grocery Outlet. They have the best, freshest meat. I had a decent garden this Spring and plan to have a bigger one next year. We had eggplant, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, okra, tomatoes and peppers. Right now we only have onions and garlic. Hopefully I can get out there and plant some corn before it gets cold. Yes, cold.

From time to time, I stop and think about life today verses life "one year ago". Extremely different.
Now, we can see every single star in the sky and some of the planets on most nights. And we hear absolutely nothing from our yard. We have neighbors, but we have no idea when they are home or not. We have so much privacy that it was no issue at all that night Jamie ran out to the shed in his underwear.

The closest Target is 30 miles away. The mall is about the same.

But we have every single thing we need right here. The things I thought I would miss and actually mourned in the beginning, I don't miss at all today. The things I thought I "needed", well I can't even remember what they were.

We have it all. Literally.

We have bought the most beautiful home. It's almost 4000 square feet, more than twice the size of our home in KS. Our yard, well, its more than just a yard. Think a beautiful national park. Amazing green grass surrounded by trees that are bigger than most I have ever seen. At least 100 years old.  We have fox squirrels that hang in our yard and are so much fun to watch. We also have deer that lazily graze and search for food. Truly breathtaking.

And we've made some amazing friends. We have playdates, playgroups, lunches, brunches, dinners, parties and fun outings of every kind. I actually have friends that I know I can call in crunch and they will help in a heartbeat.

We are back where we started 17 years ago when we met in Valdosta, GA.  Back in the south where the dirt is red, the air is warm, the beach is near, the flowers bloom year round and the locals bundle up when the temp drops below 65. We are home.

One year ago, we left what I thought then to be home. Now I know we are home.

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