Party of Five

Monday, August 26, 2013

New school year... new house, new town, new friends.

All sorts of newness here. But we are chugging along and doing great. The "newness" hasn't quite worn off. I guess if I ever finished unpacking then it might. One day.

For now, we have been busy getting the two big ones back in school! I can honestly say that NO tears were shed at all on the first day this year. Not even a mist. I was completely ready for these children to be back in the classroom and out of this house. Love them, but distance makes the heart grow fonder.

So we now have a 7th grader and a 1st grader. I was laughing to myself (a nervous laugh) thinking how when Caleb is a Senior, Faith will be in 6th grade and Ashley will be in 4th. Geesh. That spacing couldn't be anymore far apart. We'll be sending one to college and preparing for middle school at the same time. Very interesting.

It's taking me wayyy too long to write this post. I started this last week. That gives you a good idea as to what life is like these days!

Other VERY exciting news!!!... Ashley is now fully potty trained! I am so proud of this baby girl! She just decided it was time. I tried a few failed attempts and then suddenly, it clicked for her. We have way more panties than we will ever be able to wear but it seems the only "treat" she really wants for her success.
This means NO MORE DIAPERS in the Schmittendorf house. After 13 years of having babies, we are done. And I am (GASP!) OK with this. As a matter of fact, I feel a bit giddy. I can not believe I didn't break down into a ball of quivering tears but all I see is extra money, less smell and less diaper rash. Hooray!

MORE  exciting news.... we officially closed on the house last week. It's ours. After several months, long talks and digging deep into attempts of seeing our future, we own this house. And we couldn't be happier.
When this whole journey back to Enterprise began, I was adamant that this would not be our home. Turns out, home is where your heart is. And come to find out, our hearts are here amongst these brick walls.
I thought it would be strange to own the house that Jim and Bonnie once purchased with dreams of their own. Even stranger to own the house that Bonnie was so sick in and eventually lost her battle to Leukemia here in this very house.
I quickly learned that the comfort and ease I felt in this beautiful house was exactly what we needed to make it a home. And I know that Bonnie would love knowing that we were going to keep this house and carry it on with our dreams.
So its now our home. And its a beautiful home. With many memories already living amongst us and many more to come. It warms my heart to see my kiddos running through the massive yard and knowing that this is our forever home. One day, our grandchildren will run through this yard. And we can tell them that their great grandma helped plant the trees they climb in. Very special and extremely precious to us.

We are good. Almost nine months into our new life and we are good. Very good. New school year, new house, new town and new friends. Life is good!

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