Party of Five

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear Ashley Marie...

On your very 1st birthday, sweet Ashley, I want to tell you what an amazing blessing you are to our family. You are the perfect baby to complete our family. You make us laugh, you make us smile and you make mommy forget how exhausting you are. Sometimes.
A year ago today, I held my second daughter in my arms with your daddy, your big brother and your big sister at my side. It's moments like this that make a person realize that life is such a fabulous gift and that a baby is such a miracle. It's moments like this that make a mother realize that there is so much love for each and every child and that a heart can actually ache with pride and love. It's moments like this that make a mother want to freeze time and keep that baby in her arms forever.

I so wish I could freeze time.

But I can not. And here you are today, a year old. You are walking with bursts of running. You are babbling, screaming and saying the cutest gibberish. You say up, mama and dada. You also say "ass" but we like to think you are trying to say Ashley.
Your big brother adores you in a way that melts my heart. His face lights up when he sees you and is forced to grab and hug you. You object at times but he never stops attempting. Your sister is so in love with her living baby doll. She tries so hard to get you to cooperate with her every whim but you are just as stubborn and free-spirited as she is.

You eat everything. Everything. Including paper. And you are a decent napper and a decent sleeper. I wish you slept better at night but I know you will eventually. Just as you will continue to grow.

I am so thankful to be your mother. I'm so thankful to have Caleb, Faith and you. I believe I was given each of you for very specific reasons and I believe you all came to us in a very planned order. I thank God for his wisdom in knowing best what our family needed.
I thank God for you, Ashley Marie.

Happy Birthday, baby girl. I love you.

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