Party of Five

Monday, January 16, 2012

January already

Well, we are actually a bit closer to February.
I haven't posted in a while... lets see.

We took a 16 1/2 hour trip to Alabama to visit Mimi and Pops. Most worthwhile drive ever. We did learn that Faith gets carsick. And we learned that by giving both kids full doses of Dramamine, they sleep quite awhile.
It was a nice visit, but discouraging too. Mimi ended up heading back to Houston. Jamie, his dad and his sister drove her back to Houston the Friday after New Years. That was another 14 hour drive. Then Jamie flew to Atlanta where the kids and I had driven (4 hours) to meet him. We then ventured back home a faster route taking only 14 hours.
BUT.. Bonnie is back in Houston where she is being treated for a staph infection that developed in her PICC line, a UTI and another infection that I can't remember the name of. She is improving but very slowly. We are praying so hard that she returns from Houston soon and we can plan another trip to see her when she is feeling well again. It was so hard for us all to see her in such pain and discomfort. We want her to feel well and want to do anything possible to achieve that.
I hate cancer. All cancer.

On another note, we are preparing for Ashley's 1st birthday party. She turns one this Thursday, the 19th and her party is Saturday. Seriously. How did this happen??!! This time a year ago I was waddling around and had completely given up on ever having this child. I was confident she was going to live within the walls of my womb forever. Thank goodness that didn't happen. She is such a joy! And such a little stinker. We joke saying she is a girl Caleb but it's true. If it can be climbed, she'll climb it. If it can be pushed, she'll push it. If it can be thrown, she'll throw it. She's exhausting. But perfect.

We are also preparing for Faith's upcoming heart cath. Preop on February 13th and surgery on the 14th. We are talking with her pretty openly about this. She doesn't seem scared at all. Her only concern was having this after Ashley's party. Girl doesn't want to miss a party. 

I hope to get back in a routine soon. We've been home for a bit now but it was such a mentally exhausting trip that has left us with great worry for Bonnie. Which reminds me... you know that there are those defining moments in life when you realize who your real friends are and who are not your real friends. I learned one of those hard lessons when Faith was first diagnosed in August of 2007. But I just learned the other lesson. On our way home from Alabama we received a call from a friend letting us know there was no need to stop at the grocery store. Three amazing women that I have grown to love and cherish had gone into our home, CLEANED our fridge and stocked it full of all the essentials. And if that wasn't enough, they had left behind three homemade frozen meals for us. If this wasn't just the best thing ever, they also had to leave a package of cookies. Good cookies. The kind I do not normally buy. Priceless.
Words can not describe the feeling of joy and gratitude for knowing who are friends are. Life is too short to worry about who isn't so I'm thankful that we know who is.

So... hopefully we'll be back to it all soon. I attempted to get Caleb to basketball practice last night only to be an hour late due to completely forgetting the set practice time. But we did make it to dance tonight! Score! We'll get there. And so will Bonnie. One day at a time. With our friends by our sides. And with her friends, family and all the prayers at her side.

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