Party of Five

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another week

So we successfully completed the first week of school and it was a good week! Thank goodness. Caleb is thrilled with his teacher and even boasted "I Love Math!".  My heart melted a bit and I did feel a tear in my eye.

I'm starting Pre-school with Faith again. I do it myself in order to keep her with me one more year. One more year. That is just so hard to believe. I'll have a kindergartner and a 6th grader next year. Wow. Okay.. now I'm just getting ahead of myself.
Anyway, I've been making new flash cards for Faith and working on simple math problems. She is such a smart little girl. Its amazing to see! She is really okay knowing her friends are in a classroom for pre-k and she is with her mom. She wasn't sad and that made me happy! She did ask if she could call me Mrs. Teacher.
Her friends have also all joined a soccer team. She isn't able to participate and we are once again reminded what her life will be like and the simple things she will miss out on. But again, she is so strong and is completely okay with it. I had thought I would need to keep it from her but decided that would cause more harm. We talked again about her "special" heart and how she can't do things that her friends can but that they won't always be able to do what she can! She just smiled and nodded. And then asked if she could wear her cheerleader outfit to their game. I love that girl so much!

Ashley is now mobile. I say that with a bit of excitement and a lot of sadness. I know that the baby days are now numbered and soon she won't want to be held because the floor is much more exciting. And I know that soon she will be walking and then running and then I'll be writing about pre-k for her! It all goes by so fast. But for now, we are quite entertained watching her army crawl from place to place. She looks like a wounded soldier attempting to save her self from battle. The grunts she makes while dragging her chubby little body across the floor just makes it all the more funny!

Our house has become quite diverse. Caleb is down stairs playing the Xbox while Faith is dancing around doing cheers and singing and Ashley is huffing and puffing her way over to the dog to try and get a feel of his fur. Such a span of differences. It makes me happy. My kids make me happy. I can't think of many other things that would make this a better life.

1 comment:

  1. Faith SchmittendorfJuly 25, 2019 at 8:53 AM

    I just need to say, I am now twelve and reading what my mom said cracks me up. I actually tried out for the junior High Cheer Team! but i didnt make it. I actually dont like soccer at all. I have been cleared by doctors and now i have no restrictions but i prefer having no sports or physical activities. I am more the musical type, i am in my schools choir and i was in honor choir last year. It is fun seeing what i was like so long ago though.
