Party of Five

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summers almost over....

This year is just flying by. It seems life is flying by, really. I remember when I was little and "old" people would say "seems like just yesterday". I would shudder at the very thought of being like them. Well, its happened. Seems like just yesterday....we were starting school for fourth grade. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the last day of school.....
Today we pick up my big fifth graders school supplies. I'm one of those moms who buy the supplies from the PTA. I claim to be supporting the PTA but in reality, they save my hide. So instead of battling crowds at big retail stores and finding the best bargains, I pay a small fee and the PTA does it all for me. Nice.

So with a week until school starts we ventured out this weekend to attempt some back to school clothes shopping. Turns out every single other person within a 500 mile radius was thinking like us. All we managed to do was learn that my 10 year old wears a size 9 in mens shoes. We left after that and decided to try again this weekend minus two little girls. This kid also needs new jeans. Size 14. He's 10. And he's almost as tall as I am. Yes, we are accepting donations that will enable us to feed and clothe this rapidly growing boy!!!

Faith and I were supposed to go see Cinderella at Starlight Theater last week. Well, of course, she was sick so we ended up missing the show. After many tears and a very broken heart, I found another production of Cinderella being performed in Leavenworth at a small, historical theater. So she and I had a date night and went on Friday night. After the show, Faith looked at me with those huge blue eyes of hers and said "Best night ever, mommy!"

Its moments like that which remind me what an amazing journey I am on as these kids mom. I'm so grateful that I was chosen to be the one to navigate through life with them.

On another note, Faith has chosen a nick name for Ashley. We all have nicknames. Caleb goes by CJ quite often and Faith has many! Faithers, Faithikins, Faithie... So it seemed only appropriate to have one for sweet little Ashley. We are now calling her Slimy Germy hands.

Slimy Germy Hands is a mere inch away from crawling. She does the whole up on all fours rocking back and fourth and then face plants onto the floor. Even without moving on all fours, she is all over the place. She rolls around like a rolly polly and is pretty content with this method of transportation. She's doing the normal baby things such as seeing the only item in the room that is not okay for her to play with and making that her target. Of course, once she actually gets to it, we move it. We are slowly removing all non-safe items that SGH can get hurt on. We aren't as crazy about baby proofing this time around as we were with Caleb. Not sure if its that we aren't as concerned or if we are just too lazy.

Summers almost over... so I'm going to make this week really count. Each day is a perfect day for making memories so we are going to pack this week full of them! I know soon I'll be saying "Seems like just yesterday my sweet boy was starting fifth grade"......

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