Party of Five

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Veterans Day and fleece blankets

A lot has happened this past week. I'll just do a quick synopsis on the two best things. The first best thing was Veterans Day.
There was an assembly at Caleb's school that was just super cool. One of the greatest things about this assembly is that Caleb tried out and got a spot in the band for the assembly! This was after only two months of having the trumpet. To be honest, I really didn't think he would get it. The kid does not practice. But he's still pretty darn good. Wish I could say he gets that from me.
Not only to Caleb get to play "My Country Tis of Thee" with the other selected 5th graders, but he also got to assist with the opening and closing flag ceremonies with the VFW members in attendance. It was really great. At some point, I will figure out how to post a video on here and then you can see for yourself! For now, just use your imagination and trust me, it was cool.
It was really great how all the Veteran guests got to sit up front, facing the wide eyed children in the audience. And each Veteran was introduced by the person they were in attendance with. It was super cute to see these small children introduce their grandparent, parent, sibling, cousin or family friend with such pride.
I saw Caleb squat down next to Jamie and wasn't sure what was going on at first. Then I realize he was preparing to introduce his father. I imediately got a knot in my throat.
Then Caleb stood, dug deep into his pocket and retrieved a piece of paper. The entire gym, full of 500+ students and also parents, faculty and staff became completely silent.
I felt the tears welling into my eyes and was afraid what he was going to read and afraid that I was going to bawl.
He unfolded the paper, made eye contact with the crowd and began to read.  "My name is Caleb Schmittendorf and I would like to introduce my father, Jamie Schmittendorf."


That kid. He sure makes me proud. I love him so much it makes me ache.

The other most awesome thing that happened this week was a confirmation of something I already knew. For over 10 years now I have been a part of MOMS Club. MOMS is a national organization that pretty much saved my life when Caleb was a baby and we first moved to California. I have made some really great friends through this organization!
Well, the Shawnee group that I've been with for 4 years now did a service project for CHD Families. CHD Familes is the heart group we belong to and have grown to love over the past few years of having our heart miracle. This group of stay at home moms got together and donated 16 blankets, a huge bag of toiletries and money to the CHD group. This will enable CHD to provide care packages to so many families admitted to Children's Mercy for heart procedures. CHD provides so much support to so many familes and relies soley on donations like this for their organization to survive. They are such a great group and MOMS Club is such a great group too. I'm so proud to be part of groups that do such great things for so many people. I wish I could do more personally, but helping these groups do what they do is just a small step in the right direction.

Aside from these two really awesome things, here are some other things we've been doing:
We completed the diaper study with some horribly nasty diapers being delivered to the research facility, but made $125!
Dealt with Ashley randomly puking throughout the week (still a bit on edge with this one~ not a fun new trick!)
Attended three birthday parties, rearranged the living room furniture to make room for Christmas decorations, hung the Christmas lights on the house, made a new Bierock casserole recipe that was fantastic, learned that peanut butter cookies with spit in them really do taste good, learned that Faith wants to name her firstborn son "Junior" and her seventh son "Sasha", discovered that Ashley can stand unassisted for quite some time and even take a step or two from the coffee table to the couch, visited and loved another Boy Scout troup, decided to have Thanksgiving at our house this year, watched Caleb pull out two more teeth and hope he has enough teeth to eat Thanksgiving dinner.
I know there is much more but that is about all I can remember. Hopefully videos and pictures will be on soon.

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