Party of Five

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A conversation with Caleb...

On the way home from Lacrosse, Caleb and I had a conversation. Rather, Caleb talked and I tried to not crack up.
Here is the breakdown.

"Mom. So, a blackhole is the size of a quarter. Or maybe the size of a car. One of those. Do you think that when you get sucked into a blackhole its like being sucked into a vaccum? What happens when you get sucked in? Do you think its like a porthole? Do you think its a porthole to another galaxy? Hey... wouldn't it be funny if my name was "Flower"? Then people can say 'Hey, isn't that flower pretty' and I can say 'Thanks!'. Why is the sky dark? Hey... was gas a penny back then? When you were a kid? What year were you born in?"

No kidding.... this was the first time I said a single word. I responded by letting him know that I don't believe I ever saw gas for a penny and that I was born in 1976 and I'm glad his name isn't Flower. And I let him know that once the sun goes down, the sky gets dark.

And when we got home, I took some Tylenol for my headache.

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