Party of Five

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch trip

What a perfect weekend.
Lots of amazing weather, lots of great out door playtime, a really fabulous soccer game with some great blocks by my favorite defense player, a fun trip to the pumpkin patch and some over decorating for Halloween. Perfection.
This pumpkin patch was super cute! This was our first trip to this particular one. Thanks to our friends, The Keelers, we have found our new favorite.
Caleb found the most perfect pumpkin.

Okay. This wasn't the one we choose. But it sure was slim pickings. We haven't had much rain and I knew our grass was showing the effects but this poor pumpkin patch really suffered. Faith was on a mission to find Cinderella's pumpkin. Her, Jamie and Caleb scoured the entire patch until they finally found the perfect one. Then she decided it wasn't in fact Cinderella's pumpkin. After many tears and many decision changes, she finally settled on one. I'm still not sure she is convinced its the "right" one but I'm hoping after some glitter paint and some beautifying materials, it will be the most perfect pumpkin.
Caleb got an awesome golden pumpkin. I'm pretty sure it was purchased at the grocery store and then placed in this patch. But whatever. The kids are happy.
And it was fun!!

Of course, the pumpkin patch stayed true to most pumpkin patches and had lots of those wooden cut outs to stick your face through. Those always make us laugh. This one made us crack up. But not until we actually saw the picture later...

And, Jamie and I actually had a photo take together! A huge rarity! Thank you, Heather!!!

She even got TWO shots!!!

After the pumpkin patch, we stopped at a buffet and stuffed ourselves silly. I'm not a fan of buffets. I have issues with germs. Lately, even more so since I watched a quite revealing tv show that detailed exactly what could be found in fast food playlands, shopping carts and bathrooms. Oh. My. Gosh.
I've been extremely careful to only go to places that are germ free since this show. And I like living in the bubble I've created...
Anyway, we ate at this germ free buffet. And it was good.
So when dinner time rolled around, no one was really hungry. Faith had a bowl of cocoa puffs, Caleb had chips and salsa, I had left over Chinese and Jamie watched this disgusting dinner unfold. Faith would take a bite of her cereal and then have a chip with salsa. Then more cereal. So gross.
Just before she went to bed, she said her tummy hurt. We told her it was probably what she ate at dinner and told her it just wasn't really healthy. She got furious and corrected Jamie saying "I had milk in my cereal and milk is healthy!"

Wow. I see chocolate cake for breakfast in her kids future!

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