Party of Five

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sick baby... again

I feel like I just wrote this same post. Luckily, this time, there is no vomiting. I can handle almost all illnesses but the puking.
This time, Ashley has double ear infections. She is quite pathetic too. Bless her heart. Shes got snot oozing from all parts of her face and its so gross, but so so sad. We just gave her the 2nd dose of her antibiotic so she should be feeling better soon. I have a feeling there will be tubes in this baby's future.

I'm tired and covered in snot so the conversation we had with Caleb after dinner gave me the laugh I really needed.
It all started because our garbage disposal has decided its done working. Jamie was tinkering with it trying to figure out if he could get anymore life out of it. Once he decided it was a goner, he called it. And then he announces for no one to put food in the sink. Caleb turns around and says (rather panicked!) "But if the garbage disposal isn't working, how will we do the dishes!?"
So we cleared that up for him and all had a little laugh.

(except for him. I might need to explain that to him again later.)

Then he comes out and says "Did you know the microwave was invented in 1947? Dad, weren't you born in 1947?"
We cleared that up too.

Then Jamie and I went on talking about microwaves from when we were kids. I told him how I remembered getting our first microwave and how it was huge. And that we had a lot of neighbors who still didn't have one and they thought it was pretty neat to use ours. I also told him about some good friends of ours who just got their first microwave about 10 years ago.

He got a horrified look on his face.
Then he says "If they didn't have a microwave, how did they cook their food?"

We cleared that up too.

And for the record, I do not use our microwave to cook many foods. I have sat here tonight trying to think of all I use it for and while I do use it quite a bit, I could totally do with out it. Its more of a convenience factor than a necessity. I do not feed my family microwave meals. The only problem I would encounter by not having a microwave is the microwave popcorn I'm addicted to. Not sure I could do with out that.

Anyway, Caleb had a bit of a history lesson. And I feel a bit older than I did just a few short hours ago. Pretty funny to think that one day all the appliances we use will be so out dated and he'll share with his family about the stone age way we did things.

The girls are sleeping. I hope the shortest one sleeps all night and wakes up with that beautiful smiling face! The boys are at Boy Scouts.....
time for some popcorn!

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