Party of Five

Friday, October 14, 2011

Library time

So Faith and I go to one of our many local libraries on Wednesday for story time. This particular library has an amazing librarian, Mrs. Jeannie. She is fun, patient, full of energy and patient. Oh wait... I already said patient. Can't really say that enough though.
Anyway, each week we learn a new letter. We read a book having to do with the letter of the week and then do a craft with this letter. This past week, the letter was F. Faith was over the moon that we were doing storytime all around her. Sigh.

We get to the library and to add to the excitement, they have a huge lifelike Thing 1, Thing 2 and the Cat and the Hat out front.

Faith was beside herself.

Once inside, this incredibly vocal child was telling every person she made eye contact with that her name was Faith and it started with the letter F and ended with the letter H. We were met with smiles and "ooohhh... isn't she cute" looks but I knew that this was leading up to a very disruptive story time.
I explained to Faith that she needed to be quiet during story time.

Mrs. Jeannie began story time and right away Faith's hand pops up. The first five times, Mrs. Jeannie was incredibly patient with her and entertained every comment. Faith repeated over and over that her name started with F. And then started in about how her name ended with H. She also wanted to sit on the letter F on the alphabet rug but it just so happened the F was at Mrs. Jeannies feet. Again, that woman has so much patience.

Finally, Mrs. Jeannie had to ask faith to "please wait until story time is over and we can talk afterwards". Once it was over she apologized to me and said she just "didn't know how to make her stop". And neither do I, Mrs. Jeannie. Neither do I.

But we made it through the letter F. Of course, there was the moment of pure fear when Mrs. Jeannie asked the kids if they could think of other F words. I gasped and then realized it was a louder noise than intended but soon realized other parents were holding their breath praying for kid appropriate F words to be heard. Luckily, Mrs. Jeannie realized the fear and quickly moved on to another game.

After story time, we played for a while. Ashley discovered this adorable baby and would not stop staring. And she even kissed the baby over and over again. Can't say I blame her.

And Faith read Ashley a little book.

Overall, F day at the library was a success. At least now everyone knows Faith's name.

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