Party of Five

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ashley Marie 8 months old

She won't be 8 months until the 19th but I realize I had a moment now to write a bit about this sweet baby girl. Since I have yet to buy her a baby book like her big brother and sister, this is the only documentation I will have of her existence!
Ashley is so much fun! She is the happiest baby I have ever seen. Well, since Caleb was a baby. She reminds me a lot of Caleb, actually. A lot.
She is crawling every where and just today started doing so with her big ole' belly off the ground. Thank goodness. I'm tired of putting lotion on the poor baby due to rug burn! She is also pulling up on every single object, even the dog.
She has 6 teeth with the 7th about to make its great debut. She uses these teeth to eat every. single. thing that we eat. She is a beast with her food. Cracks us up. Especially since this is the baby that lost so much weight prior to discharge from the hospital and they had me tube feeding her in fear of her not having enough calories. They should check out her chubby thighs now! Girl ain't missing any calories.
She also finds it quite soothing to chew on our furniture. We have been through 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 kids but this child is ruining every piece of wood furniture we own. There are teeth marks on everything.
Just last night I was discussing arsenic posioning with a friend. We were talking about aresenic found in apple juice (another rant for another time) she reassured me that  my bigger concern should be what she is getting from the wood furniture.

Ashley was an amazing sleeper. She still is, for the most part, but wakes a lot more than an 8 month old should. I don't make it any better since I stink horribly at this part of parenting. Well, I stink horribly at a lot of this parenting gig but this one especially. In the middle of the night, when she is screaming, I think of two things only. #1 being "Holy crap. I am so stinking tired and if this kid doesn't stop crying I'm going to cry too." And #2 being "This is my last baby. I love rocking her when I can hear nothing but her breathing and feel her breath on my chest." Then I cram a bottle in her mouth and rock her back to sleep. One reason is so I can climb back into bed, the other because I know this is such a temporary stage and I know that its the last time I will be up during the night with a crying baby. I feel like crying now thinking about it.

I can't believe this baby is 8 months old. Well, almost. And now my sweet baby is eating the coffee table so my time is up.

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