Party of Five

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Driving down the highway today, we passed an old school bus. But it had been repurposed and was no longer a school bus. It was a Chiefs Fan bus. It looked as if someone has spray painted this poor bus with a horrible shade of red missing random spots and not adding second coats in others making the red seem more pink. The bus looked as though it had been retired to the junk yard. Perhaps some crazy KC Chiefs fan saw this bus and saw a real gem. But I saw it to be more of a hazard to anyone on board this bus. Once you got passed the spray painting horror, you see the large sign on the side that said BIGGEST KC CHIEFS FAN. Yea. We already got that. Then, as if this sight barreling down 435 wasn't enough, as it passed us, we see the grill that is hanging on to the rear of this bus with a bungee cord. This grill was most likely in the junk yard with the bus. And it was not a tail gating grill. It was a grill. A full size, family mans grill. Rust and all.
Just as Jamie and I were about to burst out in laughter at this site before us, Caleb just made the situation a tad better. From the back seat, he excitedly leaps forward to attention and screams "LOOK! It's the Chiefs bus!" Without missing a beat, Jamie reassures him that he believes the Chiefs bus is probably a little nicer and it might have aircondition and an operating door. He gently let Caleb down.

So Jamie and I held our laughter in order to protect Calebs feelings.

We soon returned to our previous conversation which, of course, was surrounding September 11, 2001. Today is the ten year anniversary and it has been brought up many times today. Caleb, very matter of factly, says "So.... the people that attacked us, were they the Japanese?" BUT.. he pronounced Japanese like you would Chimpanze. Japanzes.

We couldn't hold our laughter any longer. Poor kid.

We did give him the correct information on 9/11. And he is not angry with the Japanese. Or the Japanzes.

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